Instructions for Authors
The abstract (1/2 page A4, TRN 12pt) should be submitted for review no later than 14 June 2010. Please provide the full name, affiliations, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses. Send the abstract with registration form to one of the following e-mail addresses:
Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed to the contact authors by 15 July 2010.
Accepted paper will be published in Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, sectia Matematica, Mecanica teoretica, Fizica, a journal recognized by CNCSIS (B+ CNCSIS journal category). The submission of paper is due before 11 October 2010.
The paper must be 4, 6 or 8 pages in length. Send the paper to the one of the e-mail addresses :
Each paper must addhere to the specifications given bellow (see also the example pages):
1. Page Setup: Paper Size: A4 format (210mm width ´ 297mm height);
Margins: Top=4.5cm, Bottom=5cm, Left=4.2cm, Right=4.2cm, Gutter=0cm;
Header/Footer: Header=4.5cm, Footer=0cm;
Different Odd and Even Pages;
Header Different First Page.
2. First Header: Times New Roman CE, 8pt., Normal, Centered, Upper Case Letters (see the example pages).
3. Even Header: Times New Roman CE, 8pt., Normal, Centered, Upper Case Letters, Borders - 3/4pt. double line style - after text. The double line will be followed by 1 blank line 1 li=11pt (see the example pages).
4. Odd Header: Times New Roman CE, 8pt., Normal, Centered, Upper Case Letters, Borders - 3/4pt. double line style - after text. The double line will be followed by 1 blank line 1 li=11pt. (see the example pages).
5. Spacing: Use single space.
6. Title paper: Times New Roman, 12pt., Normal, Upper Case Letters, Centered, Spacing Before 3 li=36pt.
7. Authors’ Names: Times New Roman CE, 10pt., Normal, Upper Case Letters, Centered. For male authors only the first letter of first name is required. Full first name is required for female authors. Write the word ”BY“ in Times New Roman, 9 pt., Normal, Upper Case Letters (this word use Spacing Before 1 li = 12pt.).
8. Authors’ Affiliations: Times New Roman, 9pt., Italic, Justified, Indentation from Left 1cm, Indentation from Right 1cm, Spacing Before 1 li=10pt.
9. Abstract (in English): 100 words (5 lines approximately). This paragraph will be formatted as follows: Times New Roman, 9pt, Normal, Justified, Indentation from Left 1cm, Indentation from Right 1cm, Spacing Before 1 li = 6pt., Line Spacing Auto. Write the word ”Abstract“ in 9 pt., Normal, Bold.
10. Keywords: Times New Roman, 9pt., Normal, Justified, Indentation from Left 1cm, Indentation from Right 1cm, Spacing Before 1 li = 6pt. Write the word ”Keywords“ in 9 pt., Normal, Bold.
11. Abstract (in Romanian): 100 words (5 lines approximately). This paragraph will be formatted as follows: Times New Roman CE, 9pt., Italic, Justified, Indentation First Line 1cm. Use Times New Roman CE, 9pt., Italic, Centered, Upper Case Letters, Spacing Before 2 li=20pt., for the paper title. Write the word ”Rezumat“ in Times New Roman, 9 pt., Italic, Centered, Spacing After 1 li=9pt.
12. First order headings: Times New Roman, 11pt., Normal, Bold, Centered, Lower Case Letters, Spacing Before 2 li = 20pt., Spacing After 1 li =10pt.
13. Second order headings: Times New Roman, 9pt., Normal, Bold, Centered, Lower Case Letters, Spacing Before 1 li = 10pt., Spacing After 1 li =10pt.
14. Main Text: Use Times New Roman, 11pt., Normal, Indentation First Line 1cm. The figures and the tables are included in text. Usually, the figures are centered (Spacing Before 1 li = 10pt., Spacing After 1 li = 6pt.) and followed by their captions.
15. Tables’ captions: Times New Roman, 9pt., Italic, Centered. Tables should also be numbered sequentially following the word Table (Times New Roman, 9pt., Bold, Centered, see the example pages).
16. Figures’ captions: Times New Roman, 9pt., Normal, Centered, Spacing Before 1 li=6pt., Spacing After 1 li =10pt. Figures should be numbered sequentially following the word Fig. (see the example pages).
17. References: They must be numbered sequentially as cited in the text (e.g. [1], [2],..., [7]). The references use Times New Roman CE, 9pt., Normal. Use Times New Roman CE, 9pt., Italic for the Titles. Follow the format given in the example pages. Write the word ”REFERENCES“ with blanc between letters.
18. Appendix (Acknowledgments): Times New Roman, 9pt., Normal. The title use Times New Roman, 9pt., Upper Case Letters, Bold, Spacing Before 2 li=20pt., Spacing After 1 li=10pt.
19. Paper length: 8 pages or less. It is recommended an even number of pages for the paper.